Ranger Guidelines
As with anything, there are rules and regulations that a member must adhere to in order to be a part of the 5307th Rangers.
5307th Guidelines
As a member of the 5307th you are basically part of a business.
There are policies in every business you can be associated with.
Some of our clan policies include the following.
I. A member cannot share privileged information with unauthorized members or public (non-clan members), such as…
1. clan finances
2. clan passwords including
a. Vent
b. Forum
c. RCon
d. FTP site(s)
e. remote console(s)
f. posted information in private areas of the clan forum or website
h. personal privacy information about other members
II. A member shall not use the resources of the clan to promote any kind of personal business or non clan related business without permission of the clan leaders.
III. A member shall not use the resources of this clan to promote any illegal activity that could put all other clan members in a bad situation.
IV. A member shall be a member of this clan only. Becoming a member of another gaming clan, while being a member of this one creates a conflict of interest. This would be like working at Best Buy and Circuit City at the same time, cannot happen due to conflict of interest.
V. Members are allowed to play on any server, clan or non clan. The clan recommends playing with your tags when visiting other clan servers, but requests that you play in a “respectful” manner as your do represent this clan and all of it’s members.
These policies are in place to protect the members of this clan, and their time and money invested within. If you have concerns or other policies you wish to add, please see one of the Clan Admins.
Member requirements
You should be at least 21 years of age (an exception may be made for those under 21 if you have shown that you are mature/respectable and are able to follow the clan rules)
You must have a PAY-PAL account to pay dues – No Exceptions!
Clan dues of $19 every 3 months is required to be a member.
New members must play during clan prime times. This would be from 6pm to 2am Central Time.
We are a English speaking clan, new members are required to speak English as their primary language.
You will need to play on our server with our members and learn our rules.
You will need to have a mic so you can communicate on Ventrilo with us.
New members will be put on probation for a minimum of 30 days. After that time, the current members will vote to keep or refuse full time membership.
Probation may be forced upon a member who is breaking rules, clan guidelines, or suspect of such things.
Temporary leave of absence is allowed with notice for a predetermined amount of time. If a member is inactive beyond that time, his membership may be terminated. Members may rejoin by vote as long as they left in good standing.
In the event a member is more than 60 days late with clan dues, or is breaking clan guidelines, their membership may be terminated without refund.
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