April 2015
Reckless Thoughts: Episode #5, #6 and #7
So, I’ve been lazy and haven’t posted anything for a while. Thus, here are three that I did a while back and never put them up. Laziness trumps all.
Reckless Thoughts: Episode #4
I’ve got a new episode out!! This one started out as a play through of one game, and . . . thing didn’t go as planned. So, I moved to another.
Be warned! There is a jump scare at the end of this video (for those of you that hate those kinds of things).
Reckless Thoughts: Episode #3
So, this is just a quick little video that I made when I was playing the other night.
This isn’t a long video, but I thought that it was fun because of the way (and the finality) that it ended.